See our News page for the latest on this facility.

The Master Plan included a proposed rugby union facility with 3 rugby fields, parking, stadium and stadium (broadcast-quality) lighting, amenities, and a secondary access road to Caterson Drive to be built on and through the former Pony Club site. It listed the clearing of 23,709m² of remnant bushland for this facility alone. This facility would be built in partnership with Eastwood District Rugby Union Football Club to allow it to move from their current grounds in Marsfield, TG Millner Sportsground (more information below).

In March 2023, the latest of several concept plans for the facility was announced (see below). This concept was made available to the public only one day before our Friends of Fred Caterson Reserve Meet-and-Greet event, which was held to inform the community about the Master Plan.

This concept sees the removal of the northern secondary access road to the reserve, which was much lauded as being a key feature of the Draft Master Plan. It was to resolve some of the issues in the reserve, with the Draft Masterplan stating 'the precinct is currently at visitor capacity, most notably on weekends'. 

The removal of the secondary access road has resulted in some reduction in vegetation loss, but the rugby facility itself still requires the removal of at least 7,000m² (an area equivalent in size to a rugby field) of vegetation, including old-growth and hollow-bearing trees. Areas of irreplaceable Critically Endangered Ecological Communities and Threatened Ecological Communities would be removed, and others impacted, to make way for parking and the main field, as well as the grandstand and amenities areas. 

The Master Plan does not adequately address the impacts of the loss of old-growth bushland, loss of shared community space in a bushland setting, or ongoing environmental impacts from, for example, the use of synthetic surfaces and severe noise and light pollution. 

Immediately following the publication of the latest Concept Plan, Friends of Fred Caterson Reserve published it to its website and also presented it to residents who attended our Meet and Greet event. Also in attendance was Mayor Dr Peter Gangemi, who used the opportunity to answer residents' questions and address their complaints about the Master Plan and the new Concept. However, residents were dissatisfied with his responses and left feeling that their concerns had not been addressed. This is because the Concept Plan did not and does not adequately address their concerns about the Master Plan. 

The 3-field rugby facility remains, requiring the removal of approx. 350 native trees, including those within: 

(More information below)

The Master Plan and the latest Concept Plan are contradictory to addressing that Fred Caterson Reserve was already at capacity. Council has failed to recognise that adding an additional facility, rather than allowing existing and future users of the reserve to use this site more sympathetically within its bushland surroundings, is not in the best interests of The Hills community. Council's plans still include:

This base-level facility is then proposed to pave the way for further embellishments by its partner, Eastwood Rugby, including: